Soraya Ardakani, Owner
Rose & Sage is closed until we are told that it is safe to reopen. We have offered FaceTime shopping to anyone interested in a little retail therapy during these rough times. Our website is active and is being updated daily with new items that never were seen in stores before. We have also offered free local deliveries to clients within a 10-mile radius.
The second week that “Safer at Home” was in effect, we heard a lot of people had been laid off or lost their jobs due to business closures. We reached out via Instagram to see who needed a little pick-me-up and dropped off some free gifts. The gifts seemed to be very appreciated and made us feel like we were at least doing something to brighten people’s days. We delivered 20 of them and got a lot of smiles.
Toluca Lake has really stepped it up! I’ve stayed in touch with my most of the small-business owners and everyone is getting creative with their online presence and setting up local deliveries. With Trader Joe’s being our local grocery store, I’m very impressed with the way they have organized a line outside the store that feels safe. It’s been nice to see that everyone has followed all of the rules and is working together, but from a distance.
We ask our community not to forget about us. We know times are tough right now, but we just ask that if you’re shopping, please think of us. Supporting small businesses is so important, especially at this scary time full of unknowns. I have had this business now for six years, and I love the community. I want to be able to continue doing business here and be a place that you can count on. So please just support us and order online, tell your friends about us, schedule a FaceTime shopping appointment and, of course, stay fabulous!

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