District Clock
TLBP is working diligently on the implementation of the Toluca Lake Village clock streetscape project — the transformation of a portion of the parkway into a community gathering space and district identifier for the Village. TLBP has submitted all engineering plans, calculations and specifications to the City of Los Angeles as requested as part of the permitting process, and is awaiting final comments. Once a permit has been obtained, the work will commence, targeting the fourth quarter of 2020.
- Toluca Lake Beautification Partners
- Toluca Lake Chamber of Commerce
- A&D Design — landscape design
- Reiss Brown Ekmekji, Inc. — structural engineer
- Chase Bank
- City of L.A., Office of Community Beautification
- Council District

Riverside Drive Streetscape Planning, Phase 3
Phase 3 of streetscape planning on Riverside Drive will focus on design elements with comprehensive input from the community. The process will conclude with a defined design scope and project for all four blocks (Sancola to Clybourn), making it eligible for grants and private funding.
Clean Team
During these challenging times, TLBP continues to assist the community through its Clean Team, from emptying all the sidewalk trash cans in the Village area to landscape and trash maintenance at our newly revitalized ramps at Cahuenga and the 134 Freeway.
We are initiating a Keep Toluca Lake Clean campaign, inviting community participation in these efforts to ensure our continued success in maintaining a safe, vibrant and welcoming community.

TLBP is dedicated to the enhancement and beautification of public spaces. our Clean Team helps make this happen by caring for our trees, repairing sidewalks and picking up trash.
Please consider a one-time or monthly tax-deductible sponsorship to support Clean Team projects. You’ll be recognized on our website and appreciated by residents and visitors alike. It’s a simple way to make a difference in your neighborhood!