The Toluca Lake Homeowners Association (TLHOA) held its fall semiannual meeting on October 1 at Sweetsalt, bringing together its membership to mix and mingle, learn about the organization’s recent successes and goals, and hear updates on community initiatives from neighborhood partners.
The event featured guest speakers L.A. City Council President Paul Krekorian and LAPD Captain III Warner Castillo. Krekorian covered key issues affecting District 2, highlighting the importance of civic engagement and understanding safety and housing measures, as well as the City Charter amendments on November’s ballot. Castillo, joined by Toluca Lake Senior Lead Officer Kurtis Delbar, discussed how crime is trending downward, with the exception of burglaries, and advised members on prevention measures such as installing alarms and cameras, connecting with neighbors and reporting suspicious activity to the Neighborhood Watch and LAPD.
The TLHOA highlighted its accomplishments to date, including setting attendance and fundraising records at the 2023 Turkey Trot and Fall Festival and donating 1,000 pounds of goods during last year’s fall food drive for the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry. The organization also outlined future goals, including breaking additional fundraising and donation records, increasing membership and creating a new spring event.
Members heard updates from Toluca Lake Chamber of Commerce president Taylor Montana, Beautification Partners vice chair Dana Boyd, Greater Toluca Lake Neighborhood Council president Tess Taylor and Neighborhood Watch co-captains Steve Hampar and Robyn Allyn. Additionally, Scott Morris and Craig Strong talked about the upcoming Turkey Trot and Magical Holiday Parade, respectively.
TLHOA representative Terry Herkner says these member meetings are critical to understanding what’s happening in the neighborhood and give attendees an opportunity to raise issues, ask questions and find avenues to get involved. “It’s all about the community — the Village!” she says. “The TLHOA board engages with elected and community leaders monthly to foster communication on the needs and concerns of residents.”